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Gifted Education

Gifted Program Design:
The South Fayette Township School District offers a rigorous, differentiated curriculum that is challenging and engaging for the students. In terms of gifted programming, the District offers comprehensive gifted education programming that includes a continuum of services from differentiated instruction within the content area classroom, to pull out enrichment services for talent development, and acceleration as determined appropriate based on student need.Inherent within the professional staff is the recognition of the unique talents and abilities, interests, preferences, aptitudes, strengths and needs of all learners. Educating the high-end learner is the responsibility of all educators who have shared knowledge of a student. 

A variety of data collection tools are used to regularly assess and determine the instructional needs of the learner.  Based on a team driven, data based process instructional decisions are made regarding opportunities for enrichment and acceleration.  Additionally, there are high expectations of the instructional staff and ongoing staff development is provided on how to accommodate the high-end learner.  Ongoing professional development is provided for teachers to enable them to effectively meet the needs of our high-end learners. Decisions regarding students' educational strengths and needs are based on ongoing assessment and data collection. This process allows for flexibility in decision-making, which is tailored to the individual learner.  Further, decisions regarding the learners instructional needs are also based on teacher observation, student motivation, maturity, and interest. Students can access services based on the needs they exhibit through classroom performance, assessment results, teacher observation, parent information, interests, and/or preferences. To address the high-end learner needs, a continuum of gifted services is offered to students. The high-end learner has opportunities to do independent study, research projects, and collaborate with their peers who share their interest and abilities.  

Additionally, the parents and community are engaged in the gifted education process through ongoing communications, seminars, workshops, and informational sharing meetings to provide additional enrichment opportunities to students.  The gifted education plan for the school district is regularly reviewed based on feedback from key stakeholders, research on best practices, and changes in educational policy. 

Gifted Education Continuum of Services Model:
The Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) model is used as a decision-making process guide for determining and then implementing the most appropriate instructional strategies and interventions for meeting the needs of all students. The MTSS model is a guide for supporting all levels of learners. It aligns with state regulations in Chapter 16: Special Education for Gifted Learners. For students with academic strengths, a tiered system of support is used to meet their learning needs. The instructional strategies provided in each tier increase in intensity and frequency as the level of student need increases. The number of students receiving the tiered support decreases as the intensity and frequency increases. Support and services used to meet the needs of gifted learners vary from one tier to the next. This model is fluid, allowing students to move up and down tiers based upon academic, social, and developmental needs.  

Screening Identification Procedures:
The South Fayette Township School District uses a system (MTSS) to locate and identify all students within the District who are thought to be gifted and in need of specially designed instruction.  The learner’s needs are established through the screening process, which in turn shall indicate if the student should undergo a gifted multidisciplinary team evaluation. 

The South Fayette Township School District uses multiple measures for identification, including a review of grades, performance on an academic universal screening tool along with teacher observations and teacher recommendations, portfolios of student work, and behavioral checklists, etc. to identify if a child should be referred for a gifted evaluation. This data is reviewed regularly in grade level team meetings at the building level. This process is used for the screening to ensure that identification procedures are fair and unbiased, taking into account the diverse backgrounds and characteristics of gifted students.  If a child is identified through the MTSS process as referenced above for a gifted evaluation (should be referred at the highest Tier), the parent is notified and a gifted Permission To Evaluate will be issued to the parent for signature and consent.  Once the Permission To Evaluate is signed the gifted multidisciplinary team evaluation process shall begin. The process for identifying and evaluating a gifted student is outlined below per Chapter 16 Special Education Regulations.  

The following is an example of some of the data points reviewed and gathered during the MTSS gifted screening process:  
  • Background/medical history
  • Readiness/Developmental Inventories
  • Anecdotal Information - parent, educator, other  Subject Area Assessment (e.g., student portfolio)  
  • Curriculum-Based Assessment /Academic Universal screening criteria based on Acadience/IXL benchmark data
  • Extracurricular Academic Performance/Achievements Rating Scales
  • Interest Inventories
  • Cumulative Records such as Enrollment Records, Parent Inventories, Health Records, Report Cards
Students who are thought to be gifted due to child find obligations should be referred by the school team for a Gifted Multidisciplinary Evaluation that would include an IQ test and a nationally normed Achievement Test.

Chapter 16 
In Pennsylvania, the provision of services to identified gifted students is governed by Chapter 16 of the Pennsylvania school code. Students must meet eligibility requirements in order to receive Chapter 16 services; specific requirements include being identified with mental giftedness as defined by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and being in need of specially designed instruction. South Fayette Township School District teachers and staff strive to meet the needs of all learners by providing a challenging, stimulating environment that encourages children to grow and develop their academic, intellectual and creative skills.

The MDE (multi-disciplinary evaluation) Process
The South Fayette Township School District is dedicated to customizing our educational programming to meet the needs of individual students.

Instructional decision-making is guided by student achievement data. Multiple criteria across domains are analyzed to determine how best to meet the learning needs of all students. Standardized tests, curriculum-based assessments, and teacher observations and evaluation are considered. At the beginning of the year, each teaching team analyzes student data. Based on each student’s profile, teachers make programming decisions to best meet their needs. Research and best practice indicate that this can be accomplished through grouping practices and differentiated instruction supported by the academic specialists. Data collection and analysis is ongoing throughout the year. It is our goal to provide every student an educational experience based on demonstrated need. As student needs change throughout the course of the school year, we adjust accordingly.

We have a myriad of support staff including reading specialists, speech and language pathologists, learning support teachers, and counselors, in addition to the gifted  coordinators in each building. These individuals partner with classroom teachers to monitor student progress, plan and facilitate experiences for all students, collaborate and co-teach with classroom teachers, meet with groups of students inside and outside of the classroom and attend to individual academic, social, and emotional needs. 

Additionally, at any time, parents may choose to access their special education rights by requesting a multidisciplinary evaluation of their child. A written request for this service should be directed to the building Principal or to the Assistant Director of Student Services, Gretchen Tucci, [email protected]

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