Physician Packet: Please have physician fill out information and return to your child's school nurse or our Food Service Director -
Peanut Free
For grades K-8, our cafeteria offers WOW Butter and jelly sandwiches. WOW Butter is a soy based protein and is peanut free. This helps to lessen the risks to students that may be allergic to peanuts. The WOW butter is preferred 9 to 1 in our taste testing studies.
Parents can and may continue to send in peanut butter & jelly as a "packed meal" option for their child.
Gluten Free
Gluten free meals need to be ordered the week before. Please contact Ms. Nicolle Pleil at 724-693-3019 or 412-221-4542 x 279. Students and staff must have a physician's note on file at with food services/nurses office to order gluten free meals.
For all allergy questions please contact 724-693-3019